Film magazine Questionnaire

Film magazine Questionnaire 

Question 1

What is your gender? 

male (  )     

female ( )

other ( )

Question 2 

How old are you?

Question 3 

Do you watch films on a regular basis?

Question 4
 What is you favourite genre of film and why?

action( )            adventure ( )         comedy( )      sci - fi ( )     Drama ( )

horror ( )               thriller ( )

Question 4 
How often do you read film magiznes ?

weekly[ ]              monthly[ ]              Never[ ]   

Question 5 
What film magazines do you buy?

total fim [ ]           empire[ ]         entertainment [ ]

Question 6
What article do you tend to read?

Interviews[ ]          reviews[ ]        recommendations[ ]       sneak peak[ ]

other ...........................................

Question 7

Do you buy any non-film related magazines?

Yes[ ]                No[ ]

Questions 8

How often do you go cinema?

Weekly[ ]     Monthly[ ]        Never [ ]

Question 9

How much would you pay for a film magazine?

£1.00-£1.99[ ]            £2.00-£2.99[ ]              £3.00-£3.99[ ]            £4.00-£4.99[ ]

£5.00-more[ ]

Question 10

Would you prefer to buy a British magazine or a magazine from another country?

British[ ]                     other countries [ ]


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